Guillaume Avicerjwksp6212018NE

Institut de physique du globe de Paris
1, rue Jussieu
75005, Paris
+33 6 75 43 38 53

Current research position
2020-: CNRS Permanent Researcher (CRCN) at Institut de physique du globe de Paris

Previous research positions
2018-2020: Postdoctoral researcher at Institut de physique du globe de Paris / Université de Paris (DIM-ACAV+ fellowship)
2016-2018: Postdoctoral scholar at the Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, Caltech

Ph. D. at Centre de Recherches Pétrographiques et Géochimiques (C.R.P.G.), Université de Lorraine, Nancy (France) “Origin and evolution of atmospheric xenon and other noble gases: geodynamical and atmospheric implications” Advisors: Pr. B. Marty, Pr. R. Burgess, defended March 2016.

M. S. (Master) in Earth and Planetary Sciences at Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Géologie (Nancy), Université de Lorraine “Analyse géochimique d’une nouvelle météorite martienne : Tissint” Advisor: Pr. B. Marty

M. Engin. (Master) in Mining Geology at Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Géologie (Nancy), Université de Lorraine.

Teaching experience
3 years of teaching assistant (60 h/a) in Geochemistry and field camps (Alpes, France). Monitoring and training of undergraduate and graduate students in noble gas laboratories.

2016: Best Ph. D. thesis of the University of Lorraine, RP2E section